Coaching Corner

From time to time, I do personalized coaching to better understand my readers' pain points and feelings. These sessions provide valuable insights that I use to create case studies, sharing my solutions to help others facing similar challenges.

By sharing my own experiences and offering practical advice, I hope to provide a source of support and inspiration for those in need.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth as we work together to overcome life's challenges and achieve our goals.


In this case study, we will explore the struggles of a 20-year-old college student who feels inadequate and incompetent compared to his peers during group work and lectures. The student feels frustrated and helpless, wondering if he is a lost cause.

Case Overview:

The student has recently been humbled by his college experience and has realized that he is not as bright as he once thought. Despite putting in his best effort, he still falls short and feels clueless during group work and lectures. He is experiencing a lack of confidence and feels useless and incompetent. This has been affecting him for a long time, and he is starting to think he is a lost cause.


I understand how frustrating it can be to feel inadequate and incompetent compared to others, especially in college. However, it's important to remember that this is a common feeling and that people are always ahead of each other in some way or another.

As a solution, I suggest focusing on bringing energy instead of skills or experience to your group work. This will not only help you feel more involved and engaged, but it will also show your peers that you are a valuable team member.

If you lack the experience, bring energy instead.

I also have a personal example that may help you gain perspective.

During my computer science studies, I struggled with mathematical concepts that seemed intuitively clear to my classmates. I even failed some essential exams and felt overwhelmed.

However, I didn't give up. I compensated for my lack of understanding by working hard and putting in more time and discipline. I learned to think about problems and solutions, and eventually, my discipline helped me achieve an A grade. At the same time, my more competent classmates only received degrees between B-D due to laziness.

In conclusion, I believe that you can overcome gaps in understanding and achieve your goals with time and discipline. Don't let feelings of inadequacy hold you back. Embrace the challenge and work hard to succeed.

After 10 years of successful career advancement, I can say that the key is not intelligence and knowledge, but discipline, energy and consistency.


In conclusion, the student should understand that it is normal to feel inadequate and incompetent compared to others. He can try to bring energy instead of experience to his group work. Time and discipline can help overcome any gaps in understanding and lead to success in the long run.

My personal example shows that despite feeling inferior, one can achieve their goals and succeed with hard work and dedication.

Feel free to add your tips and thoughts to this page's comment section, Twitter or LinkedIn!

Best regards,
-- Martin from Deliberate-Diligence.com

Case Study Summary